Sofisticado y moderno solenoide Latch adaptado para usarse con la toda la variedad de controladores de riego conocidos en el mercado de la agricultura y la jardinería.

Posee un nuevo método de operación que evita que el agua pase a través del solenoide.

Ademas cuenta con amplios pasajes de agua para un alto flujo y prevención de obstrucciones.

NEW galsol

Sophisticated and modern Latching solenoid suitable for use with the variety of irrigation controllers known in the agriculture and gardening market.

A new method of operation that prevents water from passing through the solenoid.

Wide water passages for high flow and prevention of clogging.

Item spec.

DC Latching Solenoid

Coil  current consumption / resistance

4.0  Ohms.

Long distance remote operation

Superb capability. Low cost conducting wires.

Coil properties

High quality polyurihtane injection. Encased into a nylon cover.

Metal parts

S.S. solenoid quality with anti-corrosive additives.
Longer life expectancy under extreme conditions


55gr (2W) ! 95gr (3W) (compact in size, lower psckaging and shipment cost)

Magnet type

High quality magnet type NdFeB coated with Ni and Epoxy. Very high immunity to alternated magnetic field.  TEMP 1200 C !
Insensitive to operating pulses, highly immuned to surround temperature.(Others use very low quality magnets).

Latching force

1.0 – 2.5 kg  depends on model @ requirement
Highly significant under vibration conditions.

Operation voltage range  

4-30 VDC 
Wide range of electrical operation

Pulse width Release / Attraction

60 m.s. / 15 – 30 m.s.